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Unmatched Seniors



Andi D Male, 73 years old 

Andi grew up in Massachusetts and moved to Bozeman to pursue his graduate degree in P.E. This led him to opportunities as a football coach for Bozeman, Belgrade, and Livingston. After coaching he started his own construction company and everyone in Bozeman knew him as “Handy Andi”! Andi would call off work in the morning in the winter so he could ski with his friends and children. He currently lives off of Durston. Andi is very lonely and does not have a lot of social support. Having a friend who can come into his place, chat with him, watch sports, and talk about skiing would be great! Andi is very kind and sweet, he’s had a lot happen in his life recently but continues to be spirited. Andi enjoys riding his bike around town and watching sports on TV. He’s excited to meet someone with a passion for skiing…Bridger. Special Consideration: Andi has dementia and has had a couple of brain injuries which makes him forgetful and repeat himself. Andi recently went to the East Coast alone for his brother’s funeral and is still very independent.


Todd F, Male, 50 years old 

Originally from Fargo, ND, Todd pursued a business degree in Mankato before settling down with his wife and two kids in Four Corners. Despite being blind, Todd's adventurous spirit remains undimmed. He loves outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and walking, finding solace and joy in nature. Spending most days alone, Todd hopes to make a new friend who shares his love for the outdoors and loves to chat. Special Consideration: Todd is blind which limits his social interactions and he spends a lot of time at home alone while his family is at school and work. 


BJ P, 73 years old 

BJ has been in Bozeman for 50 years and is originally from Lewistown. She has 1 son who lives with her, off of Durston. BJ was a dancer and bookkeeper for a firm in Bozeman. She enjoys watching the game show channel and human connection. BJ is super sweet and hoping to socialize with her Befriender! She spends much time alone and would love to connect with someone. Consideration: BJ has Parkinson's' which has left her mostly bed-bound. A befriender to come in and chat with her is what she is looking for. 


Kim H, 55 years old

Kim is from the Dakotas and her parents owned a ranch. She moved to Dillon and raised her family there. She recently moved to Bozeman to be close to her son, who is attending MSU. Kim lives near Genuine Ice Cream. She loves meeting new people but because she is blind it is hard for her to approach people in crowds. Kim is looking for a friend who wants to go out to community events, she loves the Ellen Theater and attending events at the Library, and the Museum. Kim works from home creating a curriculum for homeschooled students. She is very social and loves to laugh! Special Consideration: Kim is blind which limits her from leaving the house often. She hopes to find a friend that loves to be out and about along with making a new friend in town. 


Jan R, 80 years old

Jan has lived in Bozeman all her life. She went to MSU for home economics and her career was in the health field, long-term care. Her interests have always been in home economics and health. She loves researching, mostly from the bible, she would prefer someone with similar values and shares her Christian beliefs. Before COVID Jan found that she loved volunteering, since then she has volunteered with the senior center, public library, and Love Inc. Jan has many interests and likes to keep busy. She had a Befriender for four years but they moved away a year ago and still keep in touch today. Jan loves the consistent, once-a-week meet-up. She loves libraries, touching fabric at fabric stores, feeding the fish at the fish tech center, walking around the park, driving in the country, heading to towns around Bozeman to see what they have to offer, and thrifting! Jan enjoys free events and is always looking to try something new. She can only walk slowly so someone to walk slowly with her is much appreciated. She is always delighted with her weekly visit. Someone who can offer an arm is gentle to her, as well as calm. Jan has a passion for helping live things like plants, pets, and people!  Special Consideration: Failing hip which has slowed her down for walking. 


Gay B, 69 years old 

Gay is very independent and stays very active. Gay lives near MSU. She moved to Bozeman 7 years ago and spends her time volunteering at Love Inc., 2nd Hand Thrift, and the Gallatin History Museum. Gay stays very active and has many hobbies. These include hiking, singing, dancing, socializing, movies, and cooking. Gay still drives herself and would prefer a single friend because most of her friends have husbands or wives. She has a lot of free time in the evenings and would enjoy a friend who would like to do activities with her. She was hoping that her Befriender would like to make dinner, go outside for a hike, movie theater, and be open to other activities too! 


Mary H, 90 years old 

Mary lives alone near Hyalite Elementary. She spends a lot of time alone and is in much need of socialization. Mary moved to Montana from Texas to be with her husband. She lived in Three Forks for 37 years before moving to Bozeman 16 years ago. Her daughter is a pharmacy tech assistant and is also in school. Mary sees how busy her daughter is and would like more socialization. Mary likes getting out of the house for a walk, church, socializing about life, and visiting with her family. Mary is very generous and offers Pie, milk, or candy when visiting with her. She is considering moving to assisted living but for now, she wants to stay in her home. Special consideration: Mary’s still mobile, she walks around without assistance but is wobbly. 


Catherine O, 72 years old

Catherine lives in Three Forks with her Husband. She enjoys quilting and babysitting. She was a stay-at-home housewife throughout life and would enjoy someone coming to visit her each week. She likes to get out of the house with her husband and enjoys meeting new people. Special Consideration: Catherine is on home health and uses a wheelchair. 


Peggy T, 75 years old 

Peggy was born and raised in Montana and she grew up in Billings. She lives near MSU. Peggy is a loving mother to four adult children who now all live in separate states across the country. A son (Nurse), a daughter (Teacher), a set of fraternal twins (I.T. tech wizards), and course, some grandchildren that she loves so much and will tell you much more about. Peggy graduated from MSU majoring in HDFS (while raising children) which led her to a career here at the Bozeman Senior Center! Peggy loves helping people, especially her community; focusing on the older population that needs advocating. After working with the AREA Agency for 25 years (& many more side jobs!) she has retired. She now spends her time walking with her friends (usually at the Mall) and lying with her Cat, as she is a huge cat lover. Peggy has been wanting to apply to Befrienders for a while now, as she wants to have more outings (she drives) and conversations. She loves to garden!! She is very well-versed in horticulture and would love to show someone her ecosystem at home. She is a big traveler and is headed to Paris in April! Peggy is open to all friendships and can’t wait to meet someone!


Gloria W, 78 years old

Gloria is originally from Iowa and moved to Big Sky to work at Lone Mountain Ranch with her husband. She lives off of Oak Street now. Gloria’s job at LMR was in housekeeping then was promoted to office work later on. All three of Gloria’s children live in Bozeman and she enjoys seeing them. Gloria hopes to play games with her Befriender, go for walks with her scooter, and have conversations. She would enjoy befriending an older woman, any day of the week works for her to meet except on Wednesdays. Her favorite games are Soduko and Yahtzee but is open to learning new games. She enjoys watching the weather and loves her cat Pumpkin. Special consideration: Gloria has chronic pain, she uses a walker and scooter but has limited mobility. Mostly homebound.


Victor G, male, 89 years old 

Victor was born in Spain but came to Mexico as a refugee. Victor was a professor at MSU and taught electrical engineering to students. He has two children who both live in Europe (Norway and France). Victor recently went to Spain to see his children and family for April. He loves to travel, read history, woodwork, and go for walks. Victor recently did a hike as well! Victor is very social and loves smart people. He is hoping to extend his friendship circle and is excited to meet his Befriender! Victor would also prefer someone who is left-leaning politically because he likes to discuss this topic.


Sian P, 54 years old

Sian is so enjoyable to talk to, she has a very positive outlook on life and enjoys human connection. Sian graduated with a degree in Music and plays instruments such as the Piano and French Horn! Sian lives near World Market and still drives. She enjoys going to Eagle Mount for water aerobics and meeting new people. Sian was in a car accident which has caused her to have physical limitations. She needs more support and could use a friend right now. She is hoping that her Befriender would enjoy grabbing coffee, listening to music, gardening, and someone to brighten her day. Sian wants a friend who is down to earth, laid back, supportive, and encouraging. She loves people and is excited to make a new friend in Bozeman. Special consideration: Due to her car accident she has had various medical conditions pop up for her. 


Gunny R, 89 years old

Gunny lives at Gallatin Rest home. She was born on August 7, 1934, in Massachusetts. She is the older sister to one sibling and spent a great deal of time in Sweden, which she remembers fondly. She loves life and is grateful for all her experiences, especially ones spent with her husband and four children. She was a teacher for many years and continues to have a fondness for both education and children. She jumps at the opportunity to learn new things from people. Gunny loves animals and had many pets at one point in time. She also enjoys games, cooking, arts and crafts, and spending time outside.


Susie S, 71 years old 

Susie lives in Bozeman. Susie was a wedding planner, marketing director, and project manager in TV and film. She has a son who lives in Australia in the army and a daughter who is in nursing school here in Bozeman. Susie enjoys reading, coffee/tea dates, movies, dining out, getting a massage, and getting her hair and nails done. She is looking to make a new friend that will enrich her life and possibly go to Eagle Mount once a week for a water class. Special Considerations: Due to a stroke 2 years ago, her left arm and left leg are slightly compromised so she uses a hemi-walker. Otherwise, she is very healthy.


Tammy H, 65 years old

Tammy resides at Gallatin Rest Home. Tammy was born in Canada and was adopted at age 13. She lived in Bellingham, Washington most of her life until her son brought her to Montana. She has 4 kids, with only one in the area who doesn’t see her as often as she would like. She has 8 grandkids as well. She loves dogs and would appreciate someone who shared that interest. She enjoys bingo and has a small collection of stuffed animals! She also enjoys coloring and would enjoy doing so with a Befriender. She also does not have any visitors and is very lonely and could use a talkative, positive friend! Special Considerations: Tammy is diabetic and has had a stroke or two so some memory issues as well.


Ronald L, male, 76 years old

Ron lives in Manhattan. He is a retired English teacher as well as a drama teacher! He loves fly fishing, black labs, Yellowstone/Tetons, Shakespeare plays, and old movies (westerns). If a volunteer has a dog, he would love to meet them! Ron is in need of being rematched, his last Befriender moved away in June. His last Befriender loved spending time with Ron, he’s very sweet and loves to converse. He loves to eat out as well.  Special Considerations: Ron is legally blind, he can see some shapes/shadows. He also uses a walker and his hearing is not great.


Lorna N, 83 years old 

Lorna was born and raised in Montana. She moved to Bozeman from Sydney when she was a kid and has stayed ever since. Lorna has a huge musical background, she was an Oboist for the Bozeman Symphony, taught at MSU in the music department, and was her church organist. Lorna has traveled to 19 countries and spent a year in Denmark. She loves traveling, talking about travels, gardening, genealogy, and playing her church organ. Lorna still drives and lives alone. Her daughters live out of town but visit as often as they can. Lorna enjoys laughing and talking about life. Special Considerations: Lorna has recently had trouble coming up with words but still carries on conversation just fine.  


Suzanne C, 86 years old

Sue moved to Bozeman from Main a few years ago but has heavy roots back in Southern Illinois where her siblings and extended family remain. Sue studied law but realized “it focuses on and tries to prove policies in place. I realized I want to make the policies!” Sue dropped out of law school and obtained her PhD in administration instead. Her career allowed her to travel around the entire world and she said the only place she hasn’t been (but still wants to see) is Antarctica. Sue loves music of all kinds and always makes it a point to become a member of the symphony for which community she resides. Education and music were her family’s main values. She is very open-minded to the world around her. Sue is widowed and would love a companion to chat with, go for drives, out to eat or for coffee, and do anything else they would like to do together!

Considerations: Macular degeneration, can only see with her peripheral vision


Anna H, 90 years old

Anna was born in Switzerland and came to America in her 20s. Her dad was a Doctor and she had a very active life there. Anna studied at a college in London and tremendously enjoyed learning. She soon moved to Washington D.C. then  San Francisco. She decided to go to California, bought a truck, and explored the U.S. for many years alone. She met a lot of people and had a lot of cool experiences. She has always had more male friends than females but is open to whomever. She was a deep-sea fisherman down south, she loved fishing. Anna used to scuba dive and mountaineer in Switzerland. Anna loves to experience life, she recently was told she no longer can drive and this has changed her way of life a lot. She loves going to the Rodeo and symphony, going for walks, and talking about life experiences. Anna loves cats and her cat Cleo is her main companion. She is very down to earth and appreciates cultures. Anna’s favorite thing is nature, someone who loves nature like her would be great. She doesn’t have any family but has a few friends in the area that she sees from time to time. Expanding her circle is what she needs and is looking forward to more experiences. Special Consideration: Anna has hearing loss and glaucoma which limits her visibility. She also has had some pain in her neck that has affected her balance. 


Dean V, male,78 years

Dean lives here in Bozeman with his amazing wife, he recently moved from Arizona last year to be close to his Son. Dean is a loving husband and father who has lived a wonderful, active life. Dean’s main career was working as a contractor but also was a pilot who flew private planes! Dean had a few Cessna’s throughout life and would often take his family on trips around the US! He loves the warm sunny days and likes to take his power chair to the public pond. His hobbies before he got sick were hunting(Deer, Elk, Moose, Pheasants), fishing, playing cards, and hiking! Dean has had some severe health issues in the last 10 years that have affected his mobility and cognitive ability. Dean is very kind and loves life. With a Befriender, Dean hopes to play cards, go for walks, work on his motor skills with instruments, read, and make a new friend! Special Consideration: Uses a wheelchair and has had cognitive decline but with activities and stimulation he has seen a huge improvement.


Tenley J, 71 years old 

Tenley is from Glendive, MT. She worked at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital as the switchboard operator. She lives here in Bozeman at Summerwood. She has had a very active life and enjoyed swimming, golf, and walking before her limitations started. Recently she has been struggling with losing her eyesight and hearing. Ten broke her back in the shower last year which she is still working on recovering from. Tenley is not afraid to ask for help but they are always small tasks such as helping her put the sewing needles into the items she is sewing. Tenley is very appreciative and has been wanting to apply for Befrienders for more social support in her life. She has a daughter in Canada, they talk almost every day. She has a few friends in the area as well. Tenley is very social, she is warm, optimistic, and in great spirits. She hopes to get out into the community, she loves Macey’s, LOVES the Co-op, and is looking forward to more experiences in her life.  Special Consideration: Eyesight and hearing loss, she also has back pain from a broken back. She uses Galavan sometimes and is attending our streamlined events to keep herself independent. 


Alicia P, 77 years old

Alicia was born in Peru, she lived there for many years before she and her husband were offered scholarships to attend school in Mississippi. They obtained their masters and moved back to Peru. A few years later they moved back to the U.S. because her husband was offered to be a visiting professor at MSU. This is when he got his PhD. Alicia and her husband loved learning together, they did everything together! They raised three daughters, two who still live in Bozeman. Alicia was a Spanish teacher and takes a lot of pride in her career. 6 months ago Alicia’s husband passed away from terminal cancer, this has been very hard for her because he was her best friend. She loves to talk about him, share life experiences, and all around loves people. She spends her day reading, gardening, listening to music, and watching movies. She doesn’t drive due to being anxious and doesn’t want to burden her daughters with rides because they are very busy. Alicia loves doing yoga, she would love if her Befriender would ever like to join her. She loves human connection and is looking forward to meeting a new friend. Alicia will be in Peru from August 11th-22nd and again in October to take care of family matters. 


Mary Beth T, 78 years old 

Mary Beth is originally from a family in Delaware, she had an extravagant life and has many experiences to share. She has two sons she is very proud of and loves to talk about them. She currently lives in Darlington Manor close to the senior center. Mary Beth owned her clothing factory and she was a great fundraiser. She moved to Big Timber from Arizona and she felt it wasn’t right for her. Mary Beth’s life took a turn when they found a brain tumor. Her husband stole her money and life got very hard. Due to Mary Beth's situation, she has been very isolated from people. She talks a lot and is very open about things that have happened to her. She is super spunky with great taste. She loves to read and wants to start writing a book. Someone who likes to read, write, and talk would be a great fit for her. Her car is broken and she misses getting out into the community. She is hoping her Befriender would occasionally want to get out into the community with her. She wants a friend and is glad she called Befrienders! 


Peggy B, 89 years old

Peggy moved here from Upper Michigan a few years ago, she was an administrator for Social Security and worked her entire career in the federal gov. Peggy resides in assisted living behind the hospital. She is still very mobile but needs her walker when going for a long walk. Her memory isn’t always great but mostly just scheduling/dates. Peggy has a great sense of humor and many interests. Peggy loves current events, the US, world history, humor, gardens, and light exercise. She also used to be an avid bridge player so she can be convinced to play games. Peggy loves to visit, she becomes much more engaged and alert when she hangs out with someone. She is looking forward to meeting her new friend!  Special Consideration: Uses a walker when going for long walks


Lee C, 86 years old

Lee was born in Tennessee, she lived in Germany for 4 years and has been in Montana since the 60’s. Lee has a son in Spokane and misses him dearly. Lee was a nurse assistant and homecare aide for her career. She likes to crochet, work on puzzles, and occasionally go out if she is up to it. She has a cat she loves so much. She also has a special interest in angels and frogs. Lee needs a rematch because her Befriender got too busy due to being a Vet. She loved Lee dearly and was sad to say goodbye. Lee needs someone who can be a support system for her. She is very kind, has a strong beautiful southern accent, and loves human connection. She doesn’t have much support out here and it’s hard for her to get to doctor's appointments. Someone who would enjoy accompanying her to the doctor would also be great!  Special Consideration: Lee is homebound and unable to leave home. She walks with a standing walker and is on long-term oxygen.  


 Betty J, 72 years old

Betty was a nurse's aide before she had her daughter. She was a stay-at-home single mom for many years and currently resides in Belgrade. She loves dogs and used to love reading before she developed macular degeneration. Betty loves socializing but was diagnosed with Huntington's disease which has limited her ability to leave the home. Betty loves animals, music, and game shows. She is excited to see people again and meet a new friend. Special Consideration: Huntington's Disease, hearing loss, vision loss. 


Cynthia S, 94 years old

Cynthia lives between Bozeman and Belgrade with her Granddaughter. She used to run a daycare and was a dental assistant before retiring. She has been widowed for 29 years, she does live with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren but still feels lonely. She would like someone she can relate to and talk about her life experiences with. Cynthia enjoys reading but needs more hobbies in her life. A friend would be a great addition!  Special Consideration: Hearing loss but hears fine with hearing aids and uses a walker to get around. 


Dorothy W, 92 years old

Dorothy recently moved to Bozeman from Illinois. She is moving in with her granddaughter in Gallatin Gateway and would like more social support. Dorothy is lonely and wishes she had someone to paint with her. Maybe go to Arts on Fire occasionally. One of her closest friends is also from a senior support group similar to Befrienders. Since she had to move to Montana she no longer can see her but they stay in touch. Dorothy worked at a fabric store most of her life and very much enjoyed it. Special Consideration: On a walker but has to use a motorized Wheelchair for distances greater than 100 feet.


Ellie T, 90 years old

Ellie lives in Bozeman, three blocks from the senior center. She often walks to the senior center to see friends and keep herself busy. Ellie has three children but only one lives in the Gallatin Valley. She loves gardening, used to do a lot of quilting, making friends, and socializing. She is very sweet and loves to talk about life experiences. Ellie is hoping her befriender will want to run errands occasionally, sometimes go to the Dr, and also make a new friend she can look forward to seeing.  Special Consideration: Uses a cane to get around but still walks. 


Elsie M, 60 years old

Elsie M, 60 years old

Lives in Gallatin Rest Home on Durston. Elsie was an elementary school librarian and taught English. She is an exceptionally empathetic and open individual! She instilled these values into her children and hopes her new adopted grandson will be raised similarly. Elsie is in need of being rematched, her last befriender is still in her life but can’t be as consistent. Listening to audiobooks, embroidery, knitting, cooking, Sarah Bareilles (music), and playing Bingo although not for the prize. She has a husband and daughter who live in Bozeman but don't visit her often. She is young for a rest home and needs someone who will want to hang out with her each week. She enjoys visitors.

Special Considerations: Has a disease in her cerebellum that slowly deteriorates her mobility, speech, and respiratory actions


Mark G, Male, 61 years old 

Mark retired 8 years ago and moved to Montana. He has two daughters and two sons. He enjoys fishing, hunting, and being outdoors. Mark had a stroke 3 years ago and he now lives at an assisted living facility in Bozeman, near the hospital. He is unable to do the things he loves outdoors and a Befriender that wants to go outside, maybe go fishing, and keep him social! He is significantly younger than the other residents so having someone younger to talk to would benefit Mark as well. Mark gets along with women better and enjoys conversation. Special considerations: Mark had a stroke three years ago. Before his stroke, Mark struggled with Alcoholism, so it’s important that if someone takes him out they avoid places that serve alcohol.


Gerri C, 75 years old

Born and raised in Illinois, she has been in Bozeman since 2005. Gerry is spunky and sassy! She appreciates the people around her and one of her best attributes is that she is so funny! Gerri lives alone in Bozeman and has no connections to the family except for her oldest son in Illinois. Gerri feels like she will be a burden to her befriender because of occasional tasks like going to the grocery store with her or even chatting for a while. A befriender who can show their enthusiasm to be with Gerri would be best! She is just so great and funny! Gerri has had a whirlwind of a life with many hardships but she keeps an open mind and a positive attitude. Special Consideration: Gerri has Afib which causes her to be extremely tired. She also is extremely isolated and only sees Meals on Wheels people every day.


Lydia S, 82 years old

Lydia lives in Belgrade and was a befriender volunteer in the past. She lives alone but still is very active in her community. She was a hairdresser for many years and has decided she is going to start her business again. Lydia still drives but she doesn’t drive into Bozeman anymore due to all of the traffic. Lydia is hoping her Befriender will accompany her to Bozeman and also have someone in the area so she knows she’s not alone. Her daughter lives in Oregon and needs more social support. She is looking forward to getting a Befriender and someone that she can rely on as she starts to get older. 


Carol G, 84 years old

Carol lives in Whitehall and is in need of being rematched. Her previous befriender lived in Helena but the drive was too much for her. If there is someone who lives near or maybe knows of someone in Whitehall who would like to be a befriender, spread the word! Carol is very sweet and grew up in New Jersey. She enjoys knitting, crochet, sewing, needlepoint, lunch, going shopping, cards, and genuine company. Special Considerations: Both hips replaced - electric wheelchair, lost sight in one eye. no car