Kristin VanDeWalle, Executive Director
Kristin has lived in Bozeman for the past 27 years. Her diverse professional background includes over 35 years of management, marketing, communications, and recruitment experience working in the nonprofit sector, the commercial sector, and the higher educational sector, giving her a multi-faceted view of how to manage, nurture, and grow an organization. Kristin graduated from the University of Cincinnati and began her career in New York City working for an international strategic branding firm. She moved to the West for the landscape and what it had to offer. She has owned her own business and worked remotely for another business. In 2018, she realized how much she missed working with others in our wonderful community, so she took a position with the non-profit, Montana Conservation Corps. She met her husband in Bozeman and raised their two young men who now serve in the U.S. Marine Corps. She loves to be outside, whether hiking with her dog on a gorgeous day or figuring out where her car might be at the end of a trail, during a blizzard.
Kristin is dedicated to increasing the impact Befrienders has on our seniors, and our community. And is inspired by the knowledge, perspective, and understanding that happens when you are part of an intergenerational relationship.
“Having worked remotely for over a decade, I realized how important it is to be with other people – in person! Everyone’s wellbeing is dependent on being with others; learning their stories, knowledge, humor, and worth. At Befrienders, I have the honor of being part of a program that improves our participants and community’s wellbeing!”